This flag was selected by the 13 American colonies after they decided they had enough of the tyranny of England, Taxation without representation. The rattlesnake was chosen because the snake has 13 pieces compromising the tail. Individually, they don't really make any noise or strike fear in the hearts of anyone, but when all 13 parts are combined, the sound will stop anyone in their tracks.
Things are happening at break neck speed in the world and in our Nation these days. Congress is in full on misdirection mode with all the nonsense regarding the AIG bonus payments. Turbo Tax Tim came out this afternoon and admitted that the Obama administration wanted the bonus language left in the stimulus bill, so all the political theater in DC today was, once again, smoke and mirrors.
A news story on Drudge this morning, illustrated how the Obama Administrations climate change policy will cost the Nation, atleast 2 Trillion dollars. At a minimum. A minimum?
A Bloomberg story yesterday reported that The Messiah wishes to invoke a tactic called reconciliation which will allow Blue Dog Democrats, the ability to vote against his socialist agenda of nationalizing health care, cap and trade and raising taxes. In the meantime, the Republicans in the House and Senate will be completely shut out of any debate and simple majorities will ramrod the passage of these bills. I can't wait for that this summer. Those glowing images of the feigned smiles on Nancy Pelosi's face.
And yesterday, on the Obama campaign 2012 tour, he showed up in California, speaking about immigration reform stating that too many folks have too much time invested in the US and are having to live in the shadows and they don't have the rights to join unions. I'll explain here, 20 million ILLEGAL immigrants are getting ready to be given citizenship under amensty. And, MARK MY WORDS, this will be done prior to the 2010 Census. And of course, ACORN is running the Census, so we have no worries about the validity of any of their results. I mean, come on, they only registered voters in several cases to vote 30-40 times. It's all in the spirit of Chicago, where the dead can continue to vote forever.
This Administration just produces so much material on a daily basis. It was disclosed today, that The Messiah, was given a 500,000.00 advance on a book deal 4 days before he was sworn into office, and I still question if he was sworn into office or not, but thats another story. That's 3 million total in book deals he's made so far. He's 46 and already written two autobiography's. I can't wait to see what shrine he builds after he leaves office, but that remains to be seen if he can deal with that pesky 22nd Amendment.
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve announced they were going to print 1 Trillion dollars in money and buy Treasury securities. Let's see how this works. The Visa card is due, so I'll get a cash advance on the Discover card to pay the bill. When the Discover bill is due, I'll get a cash advance from the Master Card to pay it. When the Master card bill is due.............there is no money. That is how this government is operating folks. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will release numbers this Friday which will be frightening. Did you just get used to the term, trillion? Introduce yourself to quadrillion.
So, as oil shot up past 50.00 a barrel today, gold rallied nearly 100.00 in the past 24 hours and the dollar had a huge devaluation. The Euro shot up 7 cents over night. Rumblings are back from Europe about dropping the dollar as a standard currency.
And what is the Messiah in Chief doing? He's on yet another campaign tour in California. Remember the stimulus bill? The Messiah said that if the stimulus was passed, Caterpillar would rehire employees, guess what? They just announced more layoffs. The Messiah in Chief is picking his March Madness brackets on ESPN, and going on Jay Leno. A sitting president has never gone on the Tonight Show. It's American Idol in the Oval Office. Not to mention, he's going to address the Nation once again on Tuesday night (once again AI night) at 8pm. I never remember presidential pressers announced a week in advance. What is going on here folks? Is the Messiah scripted by Dreamworks? Manchurian Candidate ring a bell?
We are reaching critical mass folks. Enough already, can't we put Congress on a Time Out? HELL YES, you folks in Congress work for WE THE PEOPLE. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, all think they are doing the peoples business but those of us who play by the rules know differently.
Wake up America.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Cut from the team.............. new meaning?
News broke today that Geno Hayes, 21, Florida State linebacker drafted last season has been cut. Hayes is speculated to be heir apparent to replace Derrick Brooks in the new Bucs defensive scheme under Jim Bates. Huh? Geno, who underwent knee surgery last year has made news this weekend.
The beauty queen, Shevelle Bagley, 19 years old, pictured above, was arrested after trying to cut Geno Hayes two times. First, with a pair of scissors, and then she stabbed him with a kitchen knife in the neck. Geno, you need to be aware of my gauge of HBP. High Bitch Potential. Shevelle is firmly at the top of the list currently.
Geno, I understand that you are only 22. However, you are playing in the NFL next season. Get rid of these deadwood hangers which will only bring you down. And Geno, as a lifelong Seminole fan, Shevelle is 5'3" 200 pounds according to the arrest record. Dude, you are 6'1" 230. Have you not spent anytime in Ybor City? Have you not been to Sheppard's during Spring Break? 5'3" 200#? Was she dating you so she could get a tryout for the Fullback position in the new offense?
I think I'd stop the trips to IHOP or Denny's for the Grand Slam.
5' 3". 200 pounds. That's half the size of my girlfriend. Geno, didn't you learn anything from Jeff Garcia? Do a search on Carmela Garcia. Geno, any assault with a kitchen knife won't end up well. Just as Oprah is telling Rhianna to run away from Chris Brown because of assault, I'm telling you, get the hell out and now. Dump her on Florida Avenue. I've had some pretty whacked out women in my life, but none took a knife to my neck. You've got a really promising future ahead of you, just let the tank go.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Carton of smokes or.............
You can buy some shares of "premier" blue chip stocks. Premier, yeah right. The Dow closed down once again today, at 6594. The Stock Market has been a forward looking tool into the economy for a very long time. The Dow closed at 12,209 on June 6th, 2008. Obama had wrapped up the Democratic nomination after the Oregon Primary on June 4th over Hilliary Clinton. The first trading day of 2009, January 2nd, the market closed over 9000. Today, the Dow continued it's never ending spiral towards Zero, and closed at 6594. 2500 point loss in 8 weeks. It's clear, the market does not like the Obama Administration plans. Each and every day, this Administration starts to rail on another industry which creates jobs and seeks to vilify them. The latest being health care and the oil industry.
The US citizens, 310 million, have seen a loss of 3 Trillion dollars in wealth destruction since the Inauguration. Meanwhile, the Messiah said yesterday in his comments that he doesn't watch the Stock Market from day to day, it's more like a political tracking poll. Tracking poll? Well, if the Stock Market is a tracking Poll, it's voted thumbs down on Obama and his policies.
And then today, (you can't make this shit up) he's said we can't wait for the economy to recover until we have the Government take over health care with another summit in DC today. Another 3 hour meeting, a few breakout groups, and SHAZAM, we'll have solved every issue of healthcare tonight. You want to really solve healthcare issues? Take a verse from The Eagles, "shoot all the lawyers, shoot them tonight. "
So, if you are heading up to buy a carton of Marlboro Light 100's at Publix tonight, take a pause and think for a minute and look at your buying opportunities:
For 34.00 you could purchase-
2 shares of Petsmart
2 shares of JP Morgan (at the same price of Petsmart. Sick)
11 shares of Bank of America
2 shares of Morgan Stanley
5 shares of GE
16 shares of Ford or GM with some change leftover
33 shares of Citigroup
95 shares of AIG
6 shares of Dow Chemical
227 shares of Sirius sat radio. (might be a good pickup because talk radio is going to be shut down)
The Dow was lower almost all afternoon but around 3:25 this afternoon, CNBC broke a news report that White House announced the jobs report coming out tomorrow is going to be "dismal". That sent the market 100 points lower. This Administration is doing nothing to inspire confidence in anything they are doing and the markets are reflecting that. They want a constant state of fear and chaos. The markets are always weak on Fridays. I say the job numbers come out in the morning and the Dow tests lows of 6300 and the S&P at 620.
Our good friends in the government are going to add 6.00 to every carton of cigarettes April 1st. That's nearly a 20% increase in the carton price. So, if you smoke and think you can make 20% in the next month on the stocks listed above, get on E-Trade. Otherwise, buy a few more cartons of smokes by the 3rd week of March.
The US citizens, 310 million, have seen a loss of 3 Trillion dollars in wealth destruction since the Inauguration. Meanwhile, the Messiah said yesterday in his comments that he doesn't watch the Stock Market from day to day, it's more like a political tracking poll. Tracking poll? Well, if the Stock Market is a tracking Poll, it's voted thumbs down on Obama and his policies.
And then today, (you can't make this shit up) he's said we can't wait for the economy to recover until we have the Government take over health care with another summit in DC today. Another 3 hour meeting, a few breakout groups, and SHAZAM, we'll have solved every issue of healthcare tonight. You want to really solve healthcare issues? Take a verse from The Eagles, "shoot all the lawyers, shoot them tonight. "
So, if you are heading up to buy a carton of Marlboro Light 100's at Publix tonight, take a pause and think for a minute and look at your buying opportunities:
For 34.00 you could purchase-
2 shares of Petsmart
2 shares of JP Morgan (at the same price of Petsmart. Sick)
11 shares of Bank of America
2 shares of Morgan Stanley
5 shares of GE
16 shares of Ford or GM with some change leftover
33 shares of Citigroup
95 shares of AIG
6 shares of Dow Chemical
227 shares of Sirius sat radio. (might be a good pickup because talk radio is going to be shut down)
The Dow was lower almost all afternoon but around 3:25 this afternoon, CNBC broke a news report that White House announced the jobs report coming out tomorrow is going to be "dismal". That sent the market 100 points lower. This Administration is doing nothing to inspire confidence in anything they are doing and the markets are reflecting that. They want a constant state of fear and chaos. The markets are always weak on Fridays. I say the job numbers come out in the morning and the Dow tests lows of 6300 and the S&P at 620.
Our good friends in the government are going to add 6.00 to every carton of cigarettes April 1st. That's nearly a 20% increase in the carton price. So, if you smoke and think you can make 20% in the next month on the stocks listed above, get on E-Trade. Otherwise, buy a few more cartons of smokes by the 3rd week of March.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Duca photo post
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The above photo is of Rob Duca, a "journalist" for the Cape Cod Times newspaper, which in circulation numbers means he basically writes for the a newspaper no larger than the Observer newspapers which are thrown on our local driveways once a week.Everyone in the service industry needs to become aware of his face and his name. I'll bring this up again on the blog as we get closer to the spring training season after the first of the year. His face and his words will be circulated to all the service industry folks I know in various locations throughout Lee County this Spring Training.This individual is a lapdog for the Red Sox and during the offseason, wrote a column about how "gritty" Fort Myers is. How horrible Ft Myers is, "requires traveling on the busiest street in Ft Myers, Imagine an airport runway-flat and straight-with and endless stretch of fast-food shops, pawn shops, tattoo parlors, strip malls and seedy motels. That's Cleveland Avenue, and that's pretty much Fort Myers."Rob Duca couldn't sing enough praises for the Red Sox moving from Ft Myers up to Sarasota, referring to Sarasota as "Swanky Sarasota" He obviously dislikes Ft Myers terribly.He wrote his column about how bad Ft Myers was as he was on his way to the Bell Tower Shops to eat at Blue Pointe Oyster Bar and Grill to eat a high end meal. So, you servers out there, be on the lookout for this man come late January, early February, no doubt he will be hitting the high end locales in Ft. Myers on the expense account of the Cape Cod Times, and without a doubt telling you waitresses and bartenders how important he is as a member of the "national" media. He despises Ft Myers and dislikes Florida in general. DO NOT GET SUCKED IN WITH HIS BULLSHIT WHILE HE IS HERE. I'll revisit this post again just before spring training.Rob Duca should simply stay home if Ft Myers was so miserable last spring training.
Posted by bucs warrior at 12:09 AM
The above photo is of Rob Duca, a "journalist" for the Cape Cod Times newspaper, which in circulation numbers means he basically writes for the a newspaper no larger than the Observer newspapers which are thrown on our local driveways once a week.Everyone in the service industry needs to become aware of his face and his name. I'll bring this up again on the blog as we get closer to the spring training season after the first of the year. His face and his words will be circulated to all the service industry folks I know in various locations throughout Lee County this Spring Training.This individual is a lapdog for the Red Sox and during the offseason, wrote a column about how "gritty" Fort Myers is. How horrible Ft Myers is, "requires traveling on the busiest street in Ft Myers, Imagine an airport runway-flat and straight-with and endless stretch of fast-food shops, pawn shops, tattoo parlors, strip malls and seedy motels. That's Cleveland Avenue, and that's pretty much Fort Myers."Rob Duca couldn't sing enough praises for the Red Sox moving from Ft Myers up to Sarasota, referring to Sarasota as "Swanky Sarasota" He obviously dislikes Ft Myers terribly.He wrote his column about how bad Ft Myers was as he was on his way to the Bell Tower Shops to eat at Blue Pointe Oyster Bar and Grill to eat a high end meal. So, you servers out there, be on the lookout for this man come late January, early February, no doubt he will be hitting the high end locales in Ft. Myers on the expense account of the Cape Cod Times, and without a doubt telling you waitresses and bartenders how important he is as a member of the "national" media. He despises Ft Myers and dislikes Florida in general. DO NOT GET SUCKED IN WITH HIS BULLSHIT WHILE HE IS HERE. I'll revisit this post again just before spring training.Rob Duca should simply stay home if Ft Myers was so miserable last spring training.
Posted by bucs warrior at 12:09 AM
In case you forgot Rob Duca
Posted prior to game 1 of the ALCS last season.
Rob Duca is a chicken shit reporter
Regular readers of my blog in the Ft Myers region will recognize this name. You know the reporter from the 347th largest media market in America, Cape Cod. Boston Red Sox kool-aid drinking fan, err excuse me, unbiased journalist for the media giant, the Cape Cod Times. I'm not a journalist, and I'm biased and proud of it.Mr Duca got caught up in the possibility of the Red Sox voiding their contract with the city of Ft Myers and moving, in his words, to "swanky Sarasota". Well, last week, Sarasota said they don't have the money to build the Red Sox's newest spring training shrine. Interesting that this team went 80 plus years without a championship and now feel like they can dictate to communities what they want as if they a perennial champions. NOT THIS YEAR! Take your 72 piece a game bubble gum chewing manager and find him a dentist in the offseason for God's sake.Mr Duca referred to my hometown as, "the main road resembles an airport runway, flat and straight-with an endless stretch of fast-food restaurants, tattoo parlors, strip malls and seedy motels. That's US41 and that's pretty much Fort Myers." Of course he wrote this opinion of Ft Myers while he was driving to dinner at the Blue Pointe Oyster Bar and Grill at the Bell Tower Shops 2 miles from my house. You won't walk out of the restaurant without a 50.00 per person tab, but who cares, he writes it off to expenses to the journalistic pillar known as the Cape Cod Times for his time spent here in "gritty" Ft Myers on his "expense" account. Reporters come here to cover both the Twins and the Red Sox and "reporters" always try to impress the local bartenders by informing them they are with the "National Media". Please. I've seen your picture Duca. Go back to the hotel room and watch HBO.Piss off Mr Duca. I know lots of folks in the service industry here in Gritty Ft Myers and I think we should start a letter writing campaign in the area to tell your editors that you really don't like this area and in this economic downturn you should stay the hell home this spring training if you find Ft Myers so offensive. Shovel snow in March instead of applying sunscreen. You can write about the Rays and the "Dreadful Trop" to your minions of liberal fans drinking the Red Sox kool-aid, but you never once responded to my emails when I confronted you with your accusations about my hometown. And to that, you are chicken shit. You are nothing more than a Boston Globe wannabe or an ESPN groupie.Well, get your popcorn ready sonny, Wednesday night, 8pm, the FOX network you can watch the American League Champion Tampa Bay Rays take the field for game 1 of the World Series. Oh, how stupid of me. You'll probably be putting new anti-freeze in the car and adding some home heating oil to the homestead. Yeah, it's chilly here to. We just finally got to turn off the air conditioning after 4 months and I had to get a sweatshirt out tonight, it was 86 today but we might dip down on the mercury to 64 tonight.
Posted by bucs warrior at 8:22 PM
Rob Duca is a chicken shit reporter
Regular readers of my blog in the Ft Myers region will recognize this name. You know the reporter from the 347th largest media market in America, Cape Cod. Boston Red Sox kool-aid drinking fan, err excuse me, unbiased journalist for the media giant, the Cape Cod Times. I'm not a journalist, and I'm biased and proud of it.Mr Duca got caught up in the possibility of the Red Sox voiding their contract with the city of Ft Myers and moving, in his words, to "swanky Sarasota". Well, last week, Sarasota said they don't have the money to build the Red Sox's newest spring training shrine. Interesting that this team went 80 plus years without a championship and now feel like they can dictate to communities what they want as if they a perennial champions. NOT THIS YEAR! Take your 72 piece a game bubble gum chewing manager and find him a dentist in the offseason for God's sake.Mr Duca referred to my hometown as, "the main road resembles an airport runway, flat and straight-with an endless stretch of fast-food restaurants, tattoo parlors, strip malls and seedy motels. That's US41 and that's pretty much Fort Myers." Of course he wrote this opinion of Ft Myers while he was driving to dinner at the Blue Pointe Oyster Bar and Grill at the Bell Tower Shops 2 miles from my house. You won't walk out of the restaurant without a 50.00 per person tab, but who cares, he writes it off to expenses to the journalistic pillar known as the Cape Cod Times for his time spent here in "gritty" Ft Myers on his "expense" account. Reporters come here to cover both the Twins and the Red Sox and "reporters" always try to impress the local bartenders by informing them they are with the "National Media". Please. I've seen your picture Duca. Go back to the hotel room and watch HBO.Piss off Mr Duca. I know lots of folks in the service industry here in Gritty Ft Myers and I think we should start a letter writing campaign in the area to tell your editors that you really don't like this area and in this economic downturn you should stay the hell home this spring training if you find Ft Myers so offensive. Shovel snow in March instead of applying sunscreen. You can write about the Rays and the "Dreadful Trop" to your minions of liberal fans drinking the Red Sox kool-aid, but you never once responded to my emails when I confronted you with your accusations about my hometown. And to that, you are chicken shit. You are nothing more than a Boston Globe wannabe or an ESPN groupie.Well, get your popcorn ready sonny, Wednesday night, 8pm, the FOX network you can watch the American League Champion Tampa Bay Rays take the field for game 1 of the World Series. Oh, how stupid of me. You'll probably be putting new anti-freeze in the car and adding some home heating oil to the homestead. Yeah, it's chilly here to. We just finally got to turn off the air conditioning after 4 months and I had to get a sweatshirt out tonight, it was 86 today but we might dip down on the mercury to 64 tonight.
Posted by bucs warrior at 8:22 PM
Spring Training starts, but someone's missing....
The AL Champion Tampa Bay Rays started their Spring training at the new digs in Port Charlotte, the former facility the Texas Rangers used, this past week.
And, as usual, the Fort Myers teams, the Minnesota Twins and the Bawwsten Red Sox showed up. Crowds are swarming around the Spring Training fields, multiple games are already sold out. But there seems to be someone missing from Ft Myers. The ace reporter from the 237th largest media market in America, the Cape Cod Times.
Regular readers would recognize I am referring to none other than Rob Duca. Mister, I hate Fort Myers and I want God's Anointed Red Sox to move Spring Training to the Swanky city of Sarasota. Well the playoffs last year didn't work out so well for Mr. Duca, and Sarasota said no, Bawwsteen is looking for a new training facility in Ft Myers as I type. So be it.
What I find most enjoyable through this process is, that after all of Mr. Duca's ranting and raving about how horrible Fort Myers is, wasn't sent here to cover Spring Training this year. Maybe it's because the newspaper business is dying, thank god. Or, perhaps, it's because the Red Sox team called and said STFU, we want a new facility, we need a Fenway shrine in Florida. Who knows.
But, Rob I'm still checking out your columns 5 months after the playoffs. You're covering the Celtics and your newspaper is running AP stories about Spring Training. You are not here in Ft Myers, and I hope you were in that zone that got 12-18 inches of snow today. My windows were open and we had a high of 70 today. It was so warm today, I almost felt like visiting one of our never ending strip malls and getting a tattoo. A nice large shield, with the words, Buck Foston.
And, as usual, the Fort Myers teams, the Minnesota Twins and the Bawwsten Red Sox showed up. Crowds are swarming around the Spring Training fields, multiple games are already sold out. But there seems to be someone missing from Ft Myers. The ace reporter from the 237th largest media market in America, the Cape Cod Times.
Regular readers would recognize I am referring to none other than Rob Duca. Mister, I hate Fort Myers and I want God's Anointed Red Sox to move Spring Training to the Swanky city of Sarasota. Well the playoffs last year didn't work out so well for Mr. Duca, and Sarasota said no, Bawwsteen is looking for a new training facility in Ft Myers as I type. So be it.
What I find most enjoyable through this process is, that after all of Mr. Duca's ranting and raving about how horrible Fort Myers is, wasn't sent here to cover Spring Training this year. Maybe it's because the newspaper business is dying, thank god. Or, perhaps, it's because the Red Sox team called and said STFU, we want a new facility, we need a Fenway shrine in Florida. Who knows.
But, Rob I'm still checking out your columns 5 months after the playoffs. You're covering the Celtics and your newspaper is running AP stories about Spring Training. You are not here in Ft Myers, and I hope you were in that zone that got 12-18 inches of snow today. My windows were open and we had a high of 70 today. It was so warm today, I almost felt like visiting one of our never ending strip malls and getting a tattoo. A nice large shield, with the words, Buck Foston.
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