Sunday, February 21, 2010

1 week down 1 week to go

So the first week of the Olympics are in the books and Team USA is kicking the world's ass, thank you all for participating, now go home. Here are my observations after the end of the first week.

Biathalon is very interesting sport, I believe it could be incorporated into the Summer Games, somehow using the women's volleyball teams. 6 foot tall, bikini clad women with rifles is curiously erotic.

Last night's performance by Apollo Ohno in the semi qualifying 1000M round was spectacular. If you missed it, he won by a few inches of a skate blade.

Is curling perhaps the best sport ever invented? I know understand why the Winter Games take 18 days, because curling matches take forever. The game has 9 ends, much like baseball has 9 innings and the matches seem to last as long. This sport has timeouts? Why? I believe that the company which makes the Swiffer, has missed a huge opportunity with the Winter Games. They should have manufactured the brushes the curlers use, just another lost opportunity.

What is up with the Norwegian men's curling team's pants? They are wearing the upstart Loudmouth golf pants which remind me of the Zubaz pants of the 1980's which were just as obnoxious.

Men's figure skating saw an American, Evan Lysacek win a gold medal for the first time in 20 years and it wasn't without controversy. Silver medalist, Yevgeny Plushenko was upset that he completed a quad and Lysacek didn't and the Russian ended up with a silver. Word to ya brother, yes you completed a quad, but the rest of your jumps were very very sloppy you arrogant freak.

What the hell is a triple lutz? I thought Lutz was a town just east of Tarpon Springs Florida.

The men's and women's skeleton. This ice racing event is the same as the Luge, except you run head first and use a smaller sled. Wonderful. This sport most likely got it's name because if you crash, your skeleton is all that is left.

I watched some of the men's bobsledding last night. What is up with the outfits? These suits make shrink wrap look like a pair of cotton Chinos. Hell, you could tell each racer's religion by just simply watching.

Tonight is the much anticipated hockey match-up between Team USA and Canada. Let's go USA!!!!! Crush Canada like a bug at a picnic.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Following the tragic death of Georgia Luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili, 21, the 21st Winter Olympic games in Vancouver opened last night. While the games opening ceremony was not as eye popping and jaw dropping as the 2004 Summer Games, but remember that 1 billion people live in China and more people live in California than in the entire country of Canada. Nonetheless, it was quite a spectacle and the producers use of 72 different projectors around the arena which acted simultaneously created some very vivid and rich images. So as I watched the opening ceremony, of course I had to make just a few observations.

Prior to the start of the events, NBC aired the video of the remake of the song, We are the World, where over 80current recording artists participated the song in which the proceeds will go towards the Haiti earthquake relief. I remember when the original song was recorded and 25 years ago I could name every artist in the room. Last night as I looked on, I wondered, am I really getting old or do I just care less and less about self absorbed celebrities?

During the hours long epic coverage, Coca Cola aired a commercial which featured a snowball fight in the Olympic village. This commercial was funnier than 99% of the commercials which aired during the Super Bowl, and I bet it cost a lot less.

Differing from the Summer Games, the Winter Games allow the athletes to enter the arena to watch the ceremony prior to the start. I couldn't help but be struck with irony as Joe Biden was watching Team USA entering the arena as they were wearing hats with moose on them. Just the whole Sarah Palin thing hit me. The Canadians had mittens on with little maple leaves sewn in the palms of the mittens. We get it already Canada, you are all about the maple leaf. (even though you didn't adopt the current flag for your nation until the 1960's. Please. At least we picked a flag and stuck with it for a few hundred years)

Then as all the country's athletes had their butts in their seats, out comes Nellie Furtado and Bryan Adams. Nellie wearing a blue dress which looked like body paint was used to apply it. Nellie is a very beautiful woman but two words here, Jenny Craig. Much more Canadian bacon and you won't be fitting into the front seat of a Humvee. To close out the show, the organizers trotted out K.D Lang. Wow. Bryan Adams and K.D. Lang? What were they thinking? If the whole production fell apart, they could always revert back to a quick 1986 retro closing show? And what the hell was up with the outfit Lang was wearing? She looked like she just flew in from Vegas, where she is a doing 6 shows a week as an Elvis impersonator.

So the performance starts, and the voiceover is from Donald Sutherland. I had no idea that Jack Bauer's father was from Canada.

During the first portion of the show, a giant polar bear is inflated at one end of the stage. I really think the bear wasn't a bear at all. It was the stay-puff marshmellow man from the GhostBusters movies. It's a tough economy and he's got to find work where ever he can.

The rest of the production was pretty good, but the fiddle segment was troubling. After the dude with the imp-ish looking hair was done fiddling in the canoe, the stage exploded into a myriad of fiddling and tap dancing performers. The key focus was on the man on top of the wedding cake looking stage, and he was fantastic on the fiddle, but were those really tattoos or did his daughter just go crazy on his chest with a Sharpie a few days before the opening of the games when he fell asleep after too much Molsen Golden? He later broke into some scat tap dancing, but his outfit reminded me of a cross between Larry the Cable guy and some guy wanting to wash my windshield in Tampa on my way to a Bucs game.

After the performances were over, the Governor General of Canada declared the games open. When did Wanda Sykes take political office in Canada?

The Olympic torch ceremony was nice in the arena, as the top 4 athletes in Canadian history all did a relay inside the facility. Is Catrina Lemay Doan, Katies Couric's long lost sister?

The only glitch of the entire performance occurred while trying to raise the 4 pillars which would surround the cauldron housing the Olympic flame. 3 of the 4 went up. Memo to self: Don't purchase any hydraulic parts manufactured in Canada.

Does anyone else think Biden was drunk at the post ceremony interview? He was an absolute joke as the man one heartbeat away from the office of President. I've never heard a VP use terms such as Dude or Awesome. He wouldn't even give his wife an opportunity to answer questions asked by NBC correspondent Lester Holt.

Overall, it was a very nice ceremony and I look forward to watch Team USA run the table on the rest of the world. Best of luck to all the athletes and enjoy the next 16 days.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jiminy Cricket wins an award announced today that NBC color commentator, Chris Collinsworth has won the Pat Summerall award. The what? Is the prize a case of Jack Daniels or a commemorative shot glass? The past winners of the award include James Brown, Greg Gumbel, Jim Nantz and Chris "Boomer" Berman. Jiminy Cricket and Chris Collinsworth were separated at birth.

Sure, one is 6'5" tall and the other is 3 inches. One has actually gone to Walt Disney World and the other wanted to but never won a Super Bowl. One of them is the voice of conscience for Pinocchio and the other is an annoying voice in Al Michaels ear. One of them went on to do a cameo in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and the other does work with Roger Rabbit, oh thats right it's Keith Olberman.

Collingsworth has won over 5 Emmy awards, further proving that award shows are highly overrated and irrelevant. Chris is one of the most overrated announcers in football with a pitchy voice and quick to crown each player as the greatest ever. He has made my list of the most annoying sports announcers, joining the likes of Tony Kornheiser, Joe Theisman, Joe Buck and Tim McCarver.

So, in a moment of self importance, the members of the media have gathered to crown one of their brethren with a phony piece of hardware. So in the spirit of Pat Summerall, raise your glasses in a toast, (or bottles) and hail Chris Collinsworth. And in the spirit of Emmitt Smith, I guess he "blowed out" the competition.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

AFC Championship game

We have only three games left in the NFL's 2009 season folks and then we dive into the "black hole of nothing to watch" which swallows us alive for the next 8 months. Sure, some of us who are football junkie's will await the free agency signing period, but that will likely be clouded with the Collective Bargaining Agreement going by the wayside on March 5th. Those of us with the NFL Network will watch some of the Combine workout. Even the draft this year has changed, the NFL decided to spread the 7 round draft over 3 days of television coverage. Really? This will be a very confused and chaotic off season especially with the possibility of an owner's lockout looming for 2011. The only good news is that after this weekend, I might never have to watch another Jimmy Football Tailgate tested Tailgate approved Budweiser commercial ever again, quite possibly the worst commercial campaign ever created for a Budweiser product.

Prior to last weekend, nearly everyone (except Jets fans) expected the San Diego Chargers and Indianapolis Colts squaring off this Sunday. I guess teams which lay down late in the season should be careful for what they wish for because Indy, look who's coming to dinner on Sunday. The J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets are a good, solid defensive football team with a running attack which averaged over 170 yards a game in the regular season. Coached by Rex Ryan, son of Buddy Ryan(Google him if you are too young to remember the 1985 Chicago Bears) the Jets are playing very physical smart football right now. While watching the Chargers-Jets game this past Sunday, I thought back to the Ravens of 2000 and my beloved Buccaneers of 2002. All three teams finished the season with the number 1 ranked defense in the NFL. All three had strong running games and the numbers are strikingly similar. The 2000 Ravens scored an average of 20.8 points and yielded 10.3. The 2002 Bucs scored 21.6 points for and surrendered 12.2 per game. This year's Jets are putting up 22 a game and allowing 15 through the playoffs. Yes, the Ravens and Bucs both won the Super Bowl in those years and defense does win championships. Will defense translate into the first Jets Super Bowl in 41 years this year? No.

The difference between the Super Bowl winning teams from the Ravens and Buccaneers in comparison to this years Jets, is the quarterback position. In 2000, the Ravens had a pedestrian Trent Dilfer under center. The Fresno State product had a strong arm in Tampa but when he arrived in Baltimore, he was coached into the position of a game manager. Jon Gruden took over the reigns in Tampa at the start of the 2002 season and inherited a 33 year old journeyman quarterback in Brad Johnson. Brad was another game manager in Gruden's version of the West Coast Offense.

What is lacking for the Jets, is leadership under center. Mark Sanchez is a true rookie quarterback who has benefited from a strong defense and running game with the Jets running over 60% of the time. Sanchez turned the ball over 20 times this season while having 5 games with multiple interceptions. He only threw for more than 200 yards 4 times, never completed more than 20 passes in a game, and only 5 times had 30 or more attempts. If the Colts jump out to a quick double digit lead, I think Sanchez isn't prepared to lead this team back from a deficit to win.

What to look for from the Jets-
Very obvious here. More of the same. Shonn Greene has been on a tear in the last four games, with 73 carries-420 yards and a 6.0 yard per carry average. Shonn is starting to take over the lead back role for the Jets, though the ageless Thomas Jones is still effective.

The Jets defense must mix up their schemes, though Peyton Manning is the best in the game at changing up plays at the line. Again, the obvious is defensive line pressure on Manning, but I seriously think the pressure is going to have to be applied by the Jets secondary by closing off the second and third receiver if they want to win.

The Jets need to keep this game close at half-time. Manning saw the Jets in week 15 when they needed to win and the Colts were laying back.

What to look for from the Colts-
Indianapolis's running game isn't as strong as New York's. I forecast some token running plays early on in the game but the majority of plays should be with a single back either left in to pick up a blitzer if the Jets mount a pass rush or swinging the back outside to create a mismatch on the linebacker.

I expect to see many three step drop passes and slant patterns. Jets cornerback Darelle Revis, the best cover corner in the league, last week against the Chargers, rotated off Vincent Jackson. I'll be interested to see if he matches up all game against Reggie Wayne, or the defense scheme rotates him over to cover Dallas Clark. Either way, I don't expect the usual stars to shine against this defense. Look for either Pierre Garcon or Austin Collie in the 3 wide set to excel and one of them will have a surprisingly big day.

Performance predictions-

Shonn Grenne- 21-94-1TD
Thomas Jones-13-44-0

Mark Sanchez-19-31-172-1TD-2INT

Joseph Addai/Donald Brown combined- 24-65 yards-1TD

Pierre Garcon-7-88-1TD
Reggie Wayne-8-90-0
Dallas Clark-7-66-1TD

Peyton Manning-27-40-277-2TD-1INT

Final Score-
Indy20- New York 16

Friday, January 15, 2010

Divisional weekend games

This weekend will be the start of the final seven games of the NFL season. I was gutted last week with my predictions, after a documented 70% prediction record straight up all season long. A 1-3 record with an almost spot on prediction of the Bengals-Jets game, other than that, I was totally in the tank. Regular readers know though that I did predict back in September prior to opening week, I predicted the Super Bowl between New Orleans and San Diego, with New Orleans winning 39-28. At least, I've made the final eight in the playoffs.

Cardinals vs Saints Sat. 4:30pm
Arizona is fresh off a record setting performance in last weeks game against Green Bay. From a fantasy football player standpoint, I wish that game could have continued through the entire OT period. The Saints in the last part of the regular season have not been the dominant team they were in week 10. The Cardinals have been a very streaky team all year and rumors surfaced after the Packers game, that Kurt Warner might just retire at the end of the season.

I fully expect this game to go over on the current line, which is 57 points. is reporting this afternoon that the Saints have resigned runningback Deuce McAllister. Duece is a hometown favorite in New Orleans but hasn't played in over a year. The signing could be a handout to bring a player back for a possible playoff run who means so much for the team, or it could mean that Pierre Thomas's rib injury and Mike Bell aren't fully ready to go.

Either way, the Superdome is going to be one noisy place to play and the Cardinals have had a short week. I expect another offensive shootout, but the Saints move on.

Warner 29-43-380-3td's-2ints
Brees 31/39-355-3td's-0 ints

Saints over the Cardinals 38-34.

Ravens vs. Colts. Sat. 8:30 pm
Memo to the NFL, can we move back to the old playoff format where games in the playoffs were held at 1 and 4pm? Nearly everyone I spoke with this week is sick and tired of these playoff games starting after 8pm. Could someone in Goodell's office possibly look at the ratings in baseball with the World Series starting with the first pitch starting after 8pm? I understand it is the Colts, but as marketable as Peyton Manning is, not everyone in America is in love with him. Peyton pimps himself out to nearly every company that will endorse him, short of feminine hygiene products and filling in for the late Billy Mays.

These two teams met back in November and Indy and squeaked out 17-15 win. The Colts have been off for two weeks, and down the stretch, haven't played a complete game for 4 quarters since week 14. It does appear that the Colts will be fully healthy for this game, even though they have listed 20 players on the 53 man roster to the injury list.

Baltimore will keep this game close, but in the end, the Colts have too many weapons. I just think back to the early season game the Colts played against the Dolphins. Miami controlled the clock for over 45 minutes of the game, but still lost. I believe Manning is pissed off after losing the chance at the perfect season and will find a way to win this game late.

Ray Rice 27-131-1td
Flacco 16-31-175-1td
Manning 33-49-340-3td's

Colts 27 Ravens 24

Cowboys vs. Vikings. 1pm Sunday
In my opinion, this will be the best game of the weekend. The matchup between these two teams in the 1970's created the Hail Mary pass as Roger Staubach launched one up for Drew Pearson in the endzone to win the game. There is alot of offensive firepower coming to the table in this one.
Dallas is on fire right now. Tony Romo is actually playing some great football for the Cowboys and the Vikings stumbled down the stretch. Marion Barber, who has really underachieved this season, is dealing with some knee issues, so Felix Jones and Tanard Choice will carry the running load for the Cowboys. Percy Harvin looks as if he will play this Sunday. Last year, Harvin's involvement in his college team offense made his quarterback look good, and early this year, Harvin's involvement made Favre look good. His return will be the difference this weekend in what I predict to be the highest scoring game of the weekend.

Miles Austin 11-167-2td's
Adrian Petersen-22-137-2td's
Favre 21-38-280-3td's-2ints
Romo 26-41-340-3td's-2ints.

Vikings win this game simply on Favre's will at the end. Vikings 38 Cowboys 37

Jets vs Chargers. 4:40pm Sun.
In week 6 of the regular season, I made the bold prediction that the 6-0 Denver Broncos would be the first team to start 6-0 and miss the playoffs. Denver didn't get a ticket to the playoffs. San Diego made a pretty remarkable run which was overshadowed by what was happening in Indy and New Orleans at the time. San Diego, which suffered early in the year on run defense, has put together one hell of a run here on the playoffs. I believe Phillip Rivers is the best quarterback that not many folks know about.

Some pundits will say the Jets backed into the playoffs, but I'll tip my hat to Rex Ryan, the team is playing lights out defense right now but I believe their run in the playoffs comes to an end this weekend. Darrelle Revis is the best shutdown corner I've seen since Deion Sanders, but he isn't going to be enough this Sunday to handle all the weapons San Diego has.

T. Jones 21-84-1td
M. Sanchez 13-34-145-0td's-3ints
P. Rivers 22-36-290-3td's

Chargers win 31-19

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wildcard weekend part 2

Blogspot isnt allowing any discussion.
Patriots win 27-19 over Ravens
Packers win 36-29 over Cardinals

Wildcard weekend, part 1

This weekend will see three matchups of teams which wrapped up week 17 against each other. Jets vs Bengals, Eagles vs Cowboys and Packers vs Cardinals. I believe that might just be an NFL record.

Saturday 4:30 NBC
Jets vs Bengals

Yes, I know the Jets blew the Bengals away last weekend, but they played the last game (8:30pm) of the regular season and Cincy had nothing to play for. The Bengals have been drifting aimlessly the last few weeks of the season while the team tries to deal with some tragic issues.
The Jets come into this game with the league's top rated defense and a strong running game. Thomas Jones has been an ageless wonder this season. New York is a 2.5 point underdog and the over/under is 34 points. Gametime conditions are really not that bad considering the frigid weather gripping the Nation. No repeat of the Bengals-Chargers January playoff game of 1981 where the windchill was -59 degrees. Actually, the temperature at kickoff in Cincinnati will be warmer than the temperature in Tallahassee Florida. Must be Global warming.....

I expect Darrell Revis to continue his mastery as the best shutdown corner in the league, with Chad Ochocinco being a non factor in the game. Carson Palmer passes for less than 220 yards, Ochocinco ends up with 5 catches for 42 yards, Cedric Benson has 22 carries for 74 yards and a touchdown. For the Jets, Sanchez will wind up with 140 yards passing, Thomas Jones and Shonn Greene wind up rushing for a combined 34 carries and 178 yards and 3 scores.

Jets 24 Bengals 16

Sunday 8:30pm NBC
Eagles vs. Cowboys

Eagles coach Andy Reid is one of the better coaches in the league when it comes to matching up players. Last week, with the NFC East division crown on the line, Dallas coach Wade Phillips pulled out all the stops to win that game and possibly save his coaching career. The Cowboys were up 17-0 at halftime, and I believe Coach Reid pulled in the game plan and positioned his team for the rematch this week in Dallas. Dallas is giving 3.5 points and the over/under is 45 points.

These teams know each other inside and out. As division rivals they meet twice a year, and I expect there will be a new wrinkle or two out of the Eagles tonight. It is difficult to beat the same team three times in one year. I expect the Eagles to put together a blitz package which will frustrate Tony Romo. While Miles Austin will get loose for 8 receptions for 120 yards and 2 scores, I expect DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin to combine for 14 catches and 215 yards and 3 scores.

Eagles 31 Dallas 26