Thursday, December 13, 2007

drugs in baseball?

I was amused with the media's obession about the Mitchell report this afternoon. There were drugs or enhancements used in MLB? Oh no!!!!!!! No one thought there was anything wrong with Roger Clemens sitting out a half a year, at 40+ years of age. That big ole melon he's sporting was supported by some chemical enhancement. Just like all the others in baseball pulling down outrageous salaries. It's time for baseball to step in, Bud Selig, resign. If baseball wants to remain viable with all the current clubs, performance enhanced players cannot be allowed to extort clubs for money without comprenensive testing. Mandatory drug testing should be put in place for all drugs, HGH, steriods, pot, coke, etc.
Baseball ownership, BPLA, and the maggot player representatives, here is a message for you:
All of you should come together, baseball is getting ready to fall apart. I used to watch every Braves game on TBS a few years ago, and now, baseball has the credibility of wrestling.
You sports agents, just keep getting outrageous amounts of money for average-sub-average players, and before long, there wont be any baseball left except for 8-9 teams.

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