Sunday, January 13, 2008


Three games down this weekend and I'm 1-2 in my picks so far. 10 hours down and 3 1/2 to go. Some random thoughts after watching wall to wall coverage of the NFL playoffs.

The second season in the NFL is a breeding ground for new tv commercials culminating in the uber-expensive event known as the Super Bowl. Companies spend millions of dollars during the Big Game but judging some of the offerings in the past few weeks, perhaps Madison Avenue should test a few spots on You Tube before wasting vast amounts of money for their clients.

A review of the latest dribble companies overpaid for:

Memo to Peyton Manning, look up the word overexposure, I'm sure Webster has a photo of you in this years dictionary. You are starting to make Tiger Woods and Michael Jordon look like B listers. Is there a product out there you aren't hawking? 7 Manning commercials were aired during your game. Really, you were close to being on the air more than on the field during the game. STOP already. Double Stuff Oreos. Almost makes me want to run out and get a bag NOW.

Budweiser- I am a very GOOD customer. You've introduced the nation to great unique advertising such as the Bus-weis-er frogs and Louie the Lizard, those were funny. This current psydo-reality tv-serial campaign with Dude has got to go. Take some advice from your own commercial, Dude, I might have to switch brands if this insanity continues.

Coors Lite- Never been a fan of your products so I'm no risk of you losing market share but the first 1743 times we've been subjected to the NFL coaches in the faux press conference has to end, end it now. Don't bring this concept back next year.

Brady Quinn, I know you're the second coming of Joe Montana or is that Rick Mirer, but how are you now getting Subway and sports apparel commercials with having taken........20-30 snaps in a regular season game? Whats next, the cover of Madden 09.

Burger King- Why? Why? Why? You are my choice for burgers when I decide to eat fast food, but why did you stop serving the signature Whopper for a day? What were you thinking? You should have stopped serving it for a month so revenue would have dropped so badly you wouldn't have been able to afford this inane advertising campaign. I'm sure that the feigned outrage of your customers was eased when they simply went next door to Taco Bell and bought one of their latest culinary creations involving ground beef, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

Geico-America loves animals. The Geico gecko is adorable, I'd love to bring him home and entertain my cat for the afternoon, but this latest series of investigative journalism reports on such notable figures as Fred Flintstone and Jed Clampett are so hard hitting, I might have to switch my car insurance right now, infact when I'm done here, I'm calling.

Jeep Liberty- singing squirrels, wolves dropping from the sky, everyone singing in harmony. I have alot of squirrels in my yard, none of them sing and I don't want any of them riding with me.

NFL Network- How appropriate is that the fledgling network has a series of commercials which features an opinionated guy with a New England accent, like Cliff Claven from Cheers, only without a beer in front of him. He comes off as arrogant and edgy, actually a perfect representative for the NFL Network which has acted in the same manner with local cable companies around the country, denying millions of fans the ability to see some games this year. In a year where the NFL reported 226 million viewers watched football and only 112 million voted in the Presidential election in 2004, you'd think the NFL should be available in all homes with cable service.

Finally, SYNC- this, you can't live without system, is brought to you by our good friends at Microsoft. You know the ones which created a computer operating system which you need to click the start button in order to shut it off. States all around the country are outlawing the use of cellphones in your car and this system allows you to multi task now while driving using voice commands for the all important tasks of our life. Seeing how often my Windows XP crashes, do we really want any Microsoft software in our automobiles?

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