Monday, February 4, 2008

The Day After............

For the hardcore NFL football fan, the Monday following the Super bowl is the saddest day of the year. Even if your team is eliminated from the playoffs, didn't play in the Super Bowl, you woke up this morning and realized , the season is over. Oh sure, there is the Pro Bowl coming up on Sunday. Yeah, that's football, ask a hardcore NASCAR fan if they'd get amped about watching a race in early December where all the cars had 150 hp engines, and many of the fan selected drivers opted out , not to be bothered with attending the event, and then see how many folks watch THAT.

It's 7 months now until the kickoff of the new 2008 NFL season, where hope abounds for all 32 teams and their quest to become the World Champions of Super Bowl 43. This next season is disturbing for me though, never in Super Bowl history, has the host city ever been able to produce the home team as a participant in the Big Game. I am hoping, just as the Patriots fans were hoping for an undefeated season this year, that the Buccaneers can break that streak this next year and wind up with the ultimate in home field advantage.

In the meantime however, I, just like every hardcore football fan, will be awaiting moves in free agency, awaiting the draft in April, scouring reports of our favorite teams in OTA's, and perhaps watching games of years gone by on video.

The week between the championship games and the Super Bowl is a precursor of things to come, but once the Big Game is over, reality sets in. If you are a TRUE fan of the game, baseball does nothing to quell the loss. NASCAR- Pleaaaaaaaaaassssssssseee. Can Jimmie Johnson throw a spiral? Hockey. Hockey? A sport which last year put it's all-star game on the versus network and drew lower ratings than an Andy Griffith rerun episode on Nickelodeon. I've been to some Tampa Bay Lightening games, entertaining but, not NFL football. Take the sport back to Canada. March Madness. Oh yes, a bunch of borderline college students playing basketball, trying to win the National Championship so they can opt out of college early and make a semi truckload of money. Well, actually thats no different than college football, I just hate basketball.
Then there are the professional basketball playoffs. I hate basketball, and on the professional level with thugs making outrageous amounts of money, it irritates me even more.
By the time we get to June, the Free agent period is over, the draft is done, and I'm needing a fix. The NBA isn't it. I'd rather have my gums scraped than watch NBA games. In fact, I'd rather do yard work than watch an NBA game, and for those who don't know me, that statement is LARGE.

Yes, today always sucks for fans of 31 teams of the NFL. Plain and simple, it sucks. It might have sucked earlier in the process of the regular season for your favorite team or they might have lost in the playoffs, but today, it's all over. Ding Dong the witch is dead. Shula should invite all the Giants players to a dinner at a Shula's steakhouse for a celebratory dinner.

It was a great finish to a historic game. Damn this is going to be another long, painful 7 months.