Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hannah and James, a new direction

Hannah Giles, 20, and James O'Keefe, 25, have made news on at least one news outlet over the past 10 days, by releasing videos which were made while going into ACORN offices trying to get help in securing a loan for a brothel using teenage illegal alien girls and funneling the possible proceeds into a make believe congressional campaign.

They had responses from burying the money in the back yard, to you can't be honest, to a woman in California who seemingly outlined how she shot her abusive husband. WOW. All on the taxpayers dime. And none of this has been picked up and won't be picked up by the so called Mainstream Media. Charlie Gibson on Chicago's AM-WLA laughed everything off this morning.

Ms. Giles and Mr. O'Keefe have perhaps exposed the largest government corruption scandal in the last 20 years and have nothing to show for it. They simply went about it all the wrong way in today's culture.

In order to get maximum exposure before releasing the videos,

Hannah and James should have posed as a couple who caused problems and got to be the first voted out on CBS's Big Brother. Then somehow gotten worked onto the Amazing Race and found their way into the final 4 couples before losing. TMZ would have been all over their story.

Without a doubt, a stint on Dancing with the Stars would have been in order. Since Hannah portrayed a hooker, she could have done a pole dance for Elliot Spitzer, but then again, Barney Frank might have wanted a James O'Keefe pole dance as well. We will never know exactly what went on in Frank's basement, nor do we really ever want to.

So after making the rounds on the so called reality shows, Hannah and James head up to the great northwest and star in the Deadliest Catch. At the start of the first episode for the season, Hannah and James turn at the camera and say, You've just been caught in the Deadliest Catch.

Most likely would have had a hell of alot more media coverage. Any single one of those reality shows, showing Hannah Giles wearing what she wore in the the ACORN videos, would have been TMZ quality nearly streaming videos. It is sick what's happening to this country and it's time to stand up. Why did 7 US Senators today vote to continue funding for ACORN?

You've got to help to stop this insanity. My great grandfather immigrated to this country and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor twice, one of 9 people to ever be awarded the Medal twice. I feel as I am letting him down as well as every member of my family who served this Nation by doing nothing. Enough of this shit already. Enough of this out of control radicalism.
If you don't stand up right now, you might not get a chance with this current administration and the czars which are in place. 30 Czars in place in the United States of America, my great grandfather is rolling over in his grave.

WAKE UP. Citizenship is not a spectator sport. Please do your part to do research. The Internet is simply not the place to find the latest Vegas line on a football game, recipe or coupons, but a fantastic research tool. Use it.

We are on the cusp America, it is up to you to become involved in these very difficult times. We all have jobs, commitments, responsibilities, but the next 14 months will require just a bit extra from all of you. If your wish is for the government to control every aspect of your life, then pay no attention. If you are a true American Patriot, and you believe in the freedom provided us by the Constitution, then get involved and work as hard as you can.

Regardless of your occupation, it is time for all of us who believe in the concept of Liberty and the founding principals of this Nation to rally around each other and show the elected officials who do not support our ideals that they are out of a job. Plain and simple.