Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mommie Dearest, just go away

Dr. Masters at the Weather Underground site seems to liken TS Fay to the Joker character in the last Batman movie. Well, I haven't seen the movie and most likely won't go pay 12.00 for a ticket to see it either, however, I think his movie analogy is incorrect.

Fay, since the beginning, has been all over the place. We can go back a week and have Fay narrate her mindset in the past week. Fay actually isn't the Joker, it's a reincarnate of Faye Dunaway in the movie Mommie Dearest, where she portrayed Joan Crawford. Crawford was well known for her neurotic and bizzare behavior.

As the tropical storm, currently known as Fay, approaches Puerto Rico, she's forecast to head north of the island. As the sun sets in the Dmin mode, convection explodes and looks like a system on sat images like a serious system which has just developed in a few hours. But, then again, over the past few years, those of us which watch hurricanes, like some people follow reality tv shows, we've sort of gotten used to the rapid pressure drops, Gilbert, Dean, Charley, Wilma, Katrina, Ivan, need I continue? The future Fay remained at 1007mb.

The sat image was impressive, complete with outflow but once Hurricane Hunter aircraft arrived, there was no closed circulation. There seems to be various low level and mid level vortices with some closed circulation, but that IR sat image was impressive. However, the system to be named Fay, plodded west. Go north of the island? Hell no, plow right over the top. And just to mix it up, I'll create a few different centers of circulation so you folks on Virginia Key can try to figure me out.

Model runs again show me turning north the Dom. Republic and Haiti. Hell no. I'm not going there. You don't think I can keep it together, I beat my child with coat hangers, I can keep it together over these mountains. Let's go.

Now, models say I should intensify over the Nola passage, why? I don't like the way the water feels. Screw the models.
The next day, models say I should intensify south of Cuba because the water is warm, but it's too deep and the sun is out. Once the sun goes down, I'll intensify.
I don't like the sun so much, and once it heats up on Monday, I'll tone everything down. Have I screwed up everyone's models yet? These models are no different than how my agent ruined my career.

Once again, I'm supposed to come towards south Florida. I'm not liking that shallow water in Florida Bay so much either. However, that swamp terrain is right up my alley. I can be a star as long as I stay feeding on this energy. Get my agent on the phone. I'm Joan Crawford god dammit. And don't write me off, I'm making a comeback, it's going to be large! This is my comeback.