Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Carton of smokes or.............

You can buy some shares of "premier" blue chip stocks. Premier, yeah right. The Dow closed down once again today, at 6594. The Stock Market has been a forward looking tool into the economy for a very long time. The Dow closed at 12,209 on June 6th, 2008. Obama had wrapped up the Democratic nomination after the Oregon Primary on June 4th over Hilliary Clinton. The first trading day of 2009, January 2nd, the market closed over 9000. Today, the Dow continued it's never ending spiral towards Zero, and closed at 6594. 2500 point loss in 8 weeks. It's clear, the market does not like the Obama Administration plans. Each and every day, this Administration starts to rail on another industry which creates jobs and seeks to vilify them. The latest being health care and the oil industry.

The US citizens, 310 million, have seen a loss of 3 Trillion dollars in wealth destruction since the Inauguration. Meanwhile, the Messiah said yesterday in his comments that he doesn't watch the Stock Market from day to day, it's more like a political tracking poll. Tracking poll? Well, if the Stock Market is a tracking Poll, it's voted thumbs down on Obama and his policies.

And then today, (you can't make this shit up) he's said we can't wait for the economy to recover until we have the Government take over health care with another summit in DC today. Another 3 hour meeting, a few breakout groups, and SHAZAM, we'll have solved every issue of healthcare tonight. You want to really solve healthcare issues? Take a verse from The Eagles, "shoot all the lawyers, shoot them tonight. "

So, if you are heading up to buy a carton of Marlboro Light 100's at Publix tonight, take a pause and think for a minute and look at your buying opportunities:

For 34.00 you could purchase-

2 shares of Petsmart
2 shares of JP Morgan (at the same price of Petsmart. Sick)
11 shares of Bank of America
2 shares of Morgan Stanley
5 shares of GE
16 shares of Ford or GM with some change leftover
33 shares of Citigroup
95 shares of AIG
6 shares of Dow Chemical
227 shares of Sirius sat radio. (might be a good pickup because talk radio is going to be shut down)

The Dow was lower almost all afternoon but around 3:25 this afternoon, CNBC broke a news report that White House announced the jobs report coming out tomorrow is going to be "dismal". That sent the market 100 points lower. This Administration is doing nothing to inspire confidence in anything they are doing and the markets are reflecting that. They want a constant state of fear and chaos. The markets are always weak on Fridays. I say the job numbers come out in the morning and the Dow tests lows of 6300 and the S&P at 620.

Our good friends in the government are going to add 6.00 to every carton of cigarettes April 1st. That's nearly a 20% increase in the carton price. So, if you smoke and think you can make 20% in the next month on the stocks listed above, get on E-Trade. Otherwise, buy a few more cartons of smokes by the 3rd week of March.