Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring Training starts, but someone's missing....

The AL Champion Tampa Bay Rays started their Spring training at the new digs in Port Charlotte, the former facility the Texas Rangers used, this past week.
And, as usual, the Fort Myers teams, the Minnesota Twins and the Bawwsten Red Sox showed up. Crowds are swarming around the Spring Training fields, multiple games are already sold out. But there seems to be someone missing from Ft Myers. The ace reporter from the 237th largest media market in America, the Cape Cod Times.

Regular readers would recognize I am referring to none other than Rob Duca. Mister, I hate Fort Myers and I want God's Anointed Red Sox to move Spring Training to the Swanky city of Sarasota. Well the playoffs last year didn't work out so well for Mr. Duca, and Sarasota said no, Bawwsteen is looking for a new training facility in Ft Myers as I type. So be it.

What I find most enjoyable through this process is, that after all of Mr. Duca's ranting and raving about how horrible Fort Myers is, wasn't sent here to cover Spring Training this year. Maybe it's because the newspaper business is dying, thank god. Or, perhaps, it's because the Red Sox team called and said STFU, we want a new facility, we need a Fenway shrine in Florida. Who knows.

But, Rob I'm still checking out your columns 5 months after the playoffs. You're covering the Celtics and your newspaper is running AP stories about Spring Training. You are not here in Ft Myers, and I hope you were in that zone that got 12-18 inches of snow today. My windows were open and we had a high of 70 today. It was so warm today, I almost felt like visiting one of our never ending strip malls and getting a tattoo. A nice large shield, with the words, Buck Foston.