Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Journalism is dead, part deux.

I know, you are all tired of the Tiger Woods stories, I am too, he's a dirtbag. However as I pointed out last weeks grammar issue on the website, let's take a look at tonight's article from the New York Daily News linked below. They claim that since the advent of the Tiger Woods scandal after Thanksgiving, Democrat Representative Joe Baca has scrapped his plans to bestow the Congressional Medal of Honor to Tiger Woods. MEMO to the NY Daily News, bestow means to give as a gift. The Congressional Medal of Honor is earned and awarded, not bestowed. My Great grandfather was awarded the medal twice for his service, and I have the family tree to prove I'm not some wacked out blogger. But what I find so offensive in this article is that the writer never questions the intent to bestow the Congressional Medal of Honor on Tiger Woods, who has never served in the military. This is what I find so disturbing about the 20year old somethings coming out of college and finally getting jobs in journalism. They were not taught proper history and they disregard those who remember it. Interesting enough, there is no rebuttal on Rep. Baca's website, and if you do not live in his district, he will not accept emails from you, and calls go directly to voicemail. This was going to be the most transparent administration in the history of US Government. How's that hoax and change working out for ya?