Thursday, February 12, 2009

Transperancy, no lobbists

News broke this afternoon that Google and GE are going to join together in an effort to lobby the Obama Administration for 100 Billion dollars to upgrade transmission lines. This is over and above the 800 Billion just passed by the good Socialists in Congress yesterday.

Lets see, Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE is the head of a corporation which is the leader in wind turbine production, hybrid technology, and the owner of MSNBC, CNBC and NBC.

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, who wants Google to be the head of the government program in the stimulus bill, and be the database who collects everyones medical records.

And these two, surprise, are members of Obamas Economic Recovery Panel. This was supposed to be the most transparent administration, no lobbying effort. 100 Billion for GE and Google? Wow, let's see if this happens and if it does, where will the media outrage be? State TV NBCCBSABCMSNBCCNN won't report any conflict of interest.