Thursday, February 12, 2009

You can't make this shit up!

Today is the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Lincoln has been in the news lately, since the Messiah has morphed into a combination of FDR, JFK, MLK and Lincoln. He was sworn in as President using Lincoln's bible, oops, he took another oath after the inauguration without a bible after he flubbed the address. Then again all we were given were White House photos, so did he really take the oath? And he doesn't script his press conferences either? Yeah.

This morning on the CBS Early Show, Maggie Rodriguez interviewed black New York University Professor Jeffrey Sammons who alluded that Lincoln was gay and Lincoln never believed in black equality. The nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork folks. They are realizing they have two years of unchecked, ram everything down your throat, timetable. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, these stalwarts in Congress aren't worried about re-election and will throw their fellow dems under the bus to get what they want. Pay attention America. These leaders are sick.