Thursday, April 17, 2008

Print media wonders why they suffer?

Good God Almighty, when I saw this cover of Time magazine on the internet tonight, my blood pressure went up about 100 points, minimum. What a pillar of journalistic integrity Time magazine is. Wasn't Hitler voted man of the year in 1938?
I find this cover the most offensive thing I've ever seen from Time. Every member of my family has served in the military, my great great grandfather won the Congressional Medal of Honor, TWICE during the Civil War, and for a rag like Time, which no one subscribes to anymore to desecrate a national image in this fashion is disgusting. What's next, a tree planting at ground zero in New York? No, we can't do that because that's where the elitist intelligencia are residing, and they always know better than us lay folks.
Editor Richard Stengal mentions in reports online that America should prepare for Global warming in the same fashion they prepared for World War II.
I'm sorry Dick, we didn't prepare for World War II, we were suddenly and deliberately attacked by Japanese forces at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. Your ultra liberal friends are wanting to further this "Global Warming Crisis" on the masses by disrespecting hundreds of thousands of Americans which sacrificed their lives on the field of battle during World War II preserving your right to free speech, if you want to hug a tree, I suggest you not photoshop an iconic image, rather head out of your compfy combines in liberalland and head up to Vermont, you can have your picture on the cover hugging as many conifers as you'd like.