Thursday, April 10, 2008

r writng skils doa?

I buy and sell quite a few things online through e-bay, craigslist and other sites. It boggles my mind to read some of the responses from prospective buyers of items. Craigslist is a virtual cesspool of vermin which is made up of folks who obviously have nothing better to do than to respond to all listings and torment those who are trying to sell legitimate items.

What really is most surprising to me, is the lack of writing skills by even those folks who are legitimate prospective buyers. No doubt internet chat rooms, and sites such as Craigslist, Youtube, MySpace and others are dominated by teenagers and young adults. Those of us in our 30's, 40's and 50's, should be very concerned that the English language and all writing skills seemed to have left the building with our youth, generally around the time of the introduction of the child's first cellphone with text message capability.

The art of skillful communication is slipping away from our population, little by little. The artful prose of writers gone by is escaping. Speeches by our Founding Fathers will soon not be understood by the next generation because they can't be downloaded from ITunes or put to music on YouTube.

The children today who are incapable of writing complete proper English sentences, are more concerned about voting for American Idol and beating up fellow students or teachers and posting the videos on MySpace and YouTube, will be the same generation in charge of society by about the time I am going to retire. And quite frankly, that, scares the absolute hell out of me.

Lets throw out a couple hundred more million taxpayer dollars for education, after all it's underfunded. My ass, how about personal and parental responsibility. Come on America, you were obviously personally involved in the conception of your children, how about taking care of them now? A guest appearance on the Springer show does not make you a celebrity.

I pity the poor souls who have chosen teaching for their occupation these days, especially those teach English. I love posting ads for something for sale, with a full and complete description of the item, location and price. Then read my email the following morning to see a response to my advertisement, 'how much u axin for this?' , r u sure on $, 2much2ax, and so forth.

The dollars crashing, fuel and food costs are out of sight, but the biggest concern we have should be our future generations, and frankly, that's the scariest outlook of all.