Monday, June 16, 2008

Sick Sick Sick, future Springer guest

I was watching television this evening and came across this story from Hickory, North Carolina. Evidently, some male, (I can't use the term-man) bagged up 4 kittens in a tied off potato sack and then decided to drive through a busy local intersection and toss the bag out of the window. A witness watched several cars run over the bag and once the onlooker saw the bag moving, she realized there was something living in the bag. There was a surviving kitten in the bag of four, the others were run over.

What is happening to our society? One half of our society seems to want to be on Judge Judy or Jerry Springer and the other half wants to be on the next reality show. Massive foreclosures on houses are resulting in massive influxes of animals to shelters, but this display of animal cruelty should be prosecuted the fullest letter of the law. If I were governor, people which killed harmless animals such as dogs and cats would face much harsher penalties. This is a moral issue.
I hope the folks in Hickory, North Carolina can find this piece of human debris which committed this heinous act. Hopefully justice can be served.