Friday, October 10, 2008

Down one but...........

Yeah, okay I predicted a win tonight. Maddon should never have pulled Shields in the 7th, but I can't argue with a manager who won 97 games this season.

What I do want to argue about is the coverage of tonights game on TBS.
TBS announcers referred to the Rays, as the "Baby Rays"

In the 7th inning, Tampa was referred to as a young team trying to do too much. The Rays won 97 games this year, maybe they are simply trying to simply win a ballgame?

In reference to Grant Balfour in the 8th inning, TBS announcers said, Balfour doesn't pitch correctly and should be called for a BALK each time he pitches. Hmmm, he's pitched the same way all year.

At Midnight, TBS announcers announce, it's midnight on the east coast and the clock has stuck for the Cinderella Rays.

Then there was the expected comment, that once again in the playoffs, experience trumps exuberance.

Write off the Rays media.