Friday, October 24, 2008

Sarah Palin can't be president?

Over the past month the left wing main stream media has been running story after story about how Sarah Palin was the worst possible choice for vice president McCain could have ever made. It's so nice to see the New York Times and MSNBC helping out the McCain campaign in such a dubious fashion. The fact is, many Americans connect with Mrs. Palin. Her appearance on Saturday Night Live last weekend drew the largest viewership of that lame show in the last 14 years. Why? Not because Tina Fey looks like her, it's because Americans' like her.
To steal a line from the Tom Cruise movie, Jerry Mcquire, "You had me at hello."
Sarah Palin's husband is a commercial fisherman. I've seen video of Governor Palin pulling gillnet from years ago from family video before she was ever a politician in the public eye. Any woman willing to go out commercial fishing with her husband, and undergo the hardwork associated with that job, understands the ordinary everyday life of the "Joe the Plumbers" of America. The socialist redistributionalists on the left wish to discredit her and her straight talk to the American people. I happen to think what she says speaks for the majority of the people I know in my life, and she and her family are welcome to break bread at my homestead any day, any time.

Mrs. Palin represents a threat to the liberals, and they constantly point out how little experience she has. Never mind the Messiah hasn't even served one full term in the US Senate. When this Nation was founded, there were no "experienced" politicians to draw from. After all, we had just broken away from the Motherland of England, after the citizens which risked everything to come to the new colonies were fed up with being taxed out of their gourd to finance projects back in England. Taxation with Representation. Get ready for that phrase fellow citizens. So who exactly were our first founding presidents?

George Washington 1789-1797
He was a surveyor and joined the military. He did not want to be president but is the only president in history to win 100% of the electoral votes in 2 elections. He also never joined a political party.

John Adams- 1797-1801
Lawyer. Need I say more? Went to Harvard and graduated when he was 16. In 1800, I don't think there were too many ads for 1-800-ASK-GARY. Too bad for him.
Even though he was an attorney, before the legal profession was corrupted by frivolous lawsuits and easy money, he wrote the anonymous letters in 1765 to the Boston Gazette opposing the Stamp Act on the basis of 2 principals. There should be taxation with representation and those facing trial should face a jury by their peers.

Thomas Jefferson- 1801-1809
Another lawyer. (the trend was set early on in this Nation)
Jefferson distrusted banks, and supported states rights instead of centralized federal control. He must be doing cartwheels in his grave today. Jefferson was also a strong supporter of separation of church and state.

James Madison- 1809-1817
I wasn't around during the Madison era, but if I had been, I'd have voted for my hero more times than an ACORN volunteer can sign up welfare recipients in Cleveland to vote for Obama.
This man had it right. James Madison should be the Father of the Country. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, we were new, shaking out the process, then we finally got to the heart and soul of what made this Nation great. The primary author of the Federalist papers, which should be mandatory reading in every US History class in public schools in America. The shortest president in US history at 5' 4" and also the first, non lawyer! Mucho bonus points there as well.
Madison believed in a strict, limited Federal government and one of his strongest beliefs was non other than the checks and balances system in our government. No doubt he is doing cartwheels along with Jefferson.

James Monroe-1817-1825
Nothing really significant here about Monroe, other than he was key in securing the state of Florida for the US in 1817. 183 years later, Florida could be known for the hanging chad and the butt of all the latenight tv shows jokes. Thanks James.

So during the infancy of this great Nation, prior to the advent of 24 hour news channels, the internet, blackberries, cellphones, and all the other devices which make our lives simpler, but the media will tell you are causing so much more stress. Take some time out and look at the folks which formed this great nation. The first 5 presidents of this nation undertook a great challenge, not knowing if this Republic would survive. They undertook their leadership position by believing in the American people, not the government taking care of the population. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison didn't have focus groups polling people to see how they'd react to a particular issue, they knew what Americans wanted, they wanted to be free and free of oppressive government. Imagine how they ever got elected without a New York Times endorsement.

Sarah Palin understands that and that is why she resonates with so many American people. She is one of us. And that is why the media despises her so much. The media despises you and me and everyone else out there working in the trenches for a living. They feel that we are not taking care of the disenfranchised, those without a voice. I say horseshit. They are wanting to facilitate a cradle to grave government care society because they feel that we are incapable of taking care of ourselves. We have 12 days to go in the most important election in the history of this Nation. Are we going to follow the path of my hero James Madison and insure checks and balances in the government or are we going to simply become France Lite? It's up to you voters. This 220 plus year experiment in democracy is up for grabs. Please vote. And vote correctly! McCain/Palin.