Monday, October 13, 2008

What happened at Fenway tonight?

I could have swore that there was an ALCS game played between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Boston Red Sox this afternoon in Bawwsten. However, after very careful examination of the majority of those in the stands at Fenway, I couldn't help but think there was a shoot for a commercial happening right around 7pm EST. A filming of a commercial for Pepto-Bismol. (my mother loves this stuff) You've seen the commercials, usually made with 4 goof balls, line dancing while reciting the codewords for the use of Pepto. Upset stomach, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea.

Pepto sales are up tonight on Yonkey Way. How could the lowly Rays, the un-anointed ones from Florida, the team which has fish swimming in a tank in their outfield, kick our asses this bad tonight? Well, prepare yourselves Bawwwsten. Anyone else see the mass exodus from Fenway in the bottom of the 7th? Anyone notice the fine upstanding Bawwsten fan which was shown by TBS leaving the stadium in full Sox gear and then reminded everyone who was #1 by projecting his favorite digit? Very classy. Very Bawwsten.

Just a few random observations from tonight's game:

BJ Upton- You are getting a free ride here son, but that was a stupid baserunning blunder on second base. In a close game that mistake would have been huge.

Kevin Youkilis- Dude, you can shave your head cleaner than a cueball, but what the hell is up with the womb broom?

Rays Front Office- Your off-season move of trading troubled OF Delmon Young to Minnesota for P Matt Garza and SS Jason Bartlett allowed the Rays to advance this far into the playoffs, hell, even make the playoffs at all. It goes down in my book as one of the top 10 all time trades ever made in baseball.

Craig Sager- Craig, you cut your teeth in broadcasting here in Ft Myers and I understand TBS has to do something with you. However. Who the hell dressed you for the post game interviews? Deion Sanders couldn't have made your threads tonight work. You had the thick assed pin stripe suit working with the flowered blue tie. Even with the pinstripes, I can't say you looked Spranos-esque. You more closely resembled a seedy preacher which slid into town on the outskirts to set up a revival tent, and you too could be saved for a meager donation.

Buy up the Pepto in Beantown, the chowda's causing some upset stomach and more.