Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunshine and lollipops!

The left leaning media in this Nation has been so biased in this election coverage, a biased organization came out and said this week that 65% of the coverage of McCain was biased and negative. These pukes are jumping up and down right now. Obama is already picking his cabinet according to an article online this evening. There is even a new discussion of a new cabinet position, the department of peace. Isn't that wonderful. Maybe Oprah can get that cabinet position, the sales of Kleenex would go through the roof, then they'd get to get taxed more and help those less fortunate. How's Oprah spreading around her wealth? A few give aways on her show from product placement people getting free advertising? Bullshit on that. You watch, the tax increases will only apply to white Americans. If you are a minority and own the company, you won't have to pay increased taxes.

I have faith in you America. We underwent this same scenario with Kerry and Bush in 2004. Going into the final weekend Kerry was supposedly up by 8 points prior to the election. Bush won. We heard all of the same rhetoric in 2004, that Kerry energized all the young voters. They were going to push him over the top. Not so much. The polls are tightening as I expected them to. This Nation is NOT socialist at heart and the worst thing that you can do in the current economic climate is to raise taxes, and that is what the class warfare candidate Messiah Obama wishes to do. He wants to appeal to peoples fears and not their hopes and dreams. He feels our Constitution is a document of negative rights telling citizens what the state and federal government can't do to you instead of what they must do for you. We don't want the government doing anything for us because they screw it up each and every time they try.

This Nation was founded by intelligent men that somehow could see into the future. (imagine that and they didn't need more funding for public education) they knew that this Nation needed checks and balances in government to prevent tyranny against the citizens.

We are on the precipice of going over the cliff. The Constitution. The Supreme Court. Unions taking over small businesses. The open discussion now of a Second Bill of Rights. They are all at risk. Your 401K is at risk of nationalization, it's being discussed currently by the democrats in the house. You can read the article on the Wall Street Journal. I don't make this shit up. Barney Frank has come out in the last week stating that the military budget should be cut by 25% to pay for domestic programs and that deficit spending should occur over the next 2 years and then make up the difference by taxing all the rich folks out there. Barney, wasn't your butt buddy boyfriend head of Fanie Mae? Didn't you tell the American public, Fannie and Freddie were fine in mid July on CNBC, because I swore I heard your lispy voice tell America everything was fine. I was watching that afternoon. LIAR!

I love this Nation. I don't want a safety net. At multiple times I've tried to create a new business and I've failed, but that is what makes this nation great. In 1998 when I started shipping seafood, the demand got larger than I could handle and I was faced with a dilemma, invest and expand or retreat. I retreated and I'm glad I did with the shipping costs having skyrocketed. However that doesn't defeat me. And I didn't ask for a government handout.

I come from a family where all the male members except for myself, have proudly served in the military. My great grandfather was one of only 9 individuals to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor twice during the Civil War. My grandfather and father both served during World War II and my uncles and half brother served during Vietnam. These members of my family served this Nation in order to insure our protection as well as defend the Constitution. I have no doubt the military personnel would suffer greatly under the Obama watch.

We cannot elect a person president who has allied himself with a multiple of persons who openly voice their hatred for this Nation, and even more, have committed terrorist attacks against this Nation and innocent civilians. And then once questioned, dismisses all associations.

It is important in the next 144 hours, talk to your friends. Engage people who are going to vote. Try to persuade them to Vote McCain/Palin. This Nation, at this crucial time cannot afford a leftwing dictatorship running this Nation with no checks or balances. Please help save free enterprise, help save the Constitution, help save America as we know it.

Good night and God Bless.
And even though the Phillies won, I'm so damned proud of the Tampa Bay Rays.