Friday, November 7, 2008

Serve it up America!

America Serves

"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream."The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation's challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community a plan to require 50 hours service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.This is right from the website. The official site of the Messiah elect. Then of course there is the 250-500,000 "volunteers he wishes to recruit for the civilian security force. You can search that on Youtube and watch it straight from his mouth. Security force? Whats the National Guard? And the Clean Energy Corps, I like this one, they will be sending people your place of business and homes to make sure you are complying with energy efficiency. Whats this! you have a filament lightbulb. Straight to the Gulag.

The November 5th Illinois pick three number lottery number was 6-6-6, this is not a internet rumor, here is the link,

I urge people to research on Google, the Fabian society and members which support their ideas in the current administration. This is an association Michelle Obama supports and has written about.

This next week, on November 15th, President Elect Messiah will attend what has been called the largest economic event since World War II, and so aptly named, Bretton Woods II. There are stories in foreign newspapers that nations wish to denounce using the US dollar as a benchmark and return to an international gold standard. Interestingly enough, the day after the US election, Russia moved missiles towards Poland, Putin announced his desire to become President again, the KGB is operative again, Chavez applauded America for electing Obama and then quickly seized publicly owned gold mines and took control of them in the name of the government and announced a joint mining venture with Russia.

Here's a story about next week's meeting
During the election cycle, The Messiah's largest contributors were some of the major hedge fund managers on Wall Street. While he would rail away about how much money "big oil" would make, Exxon Mobil made 14.8 billion last quarter, a record gross profit, but they also paid 11.3 billion in taxes, also a record amount. Where is the Marxist president elect railing about the unethical profits of Wall Street? Railing about how hedge funds need more regulation? After all, they made far more percentage wise than Exxon Mobil. We cant talk too much about specifics on Wall Street, after all Jamie Dimond and others are good close friends and gave alot of cash to the campaign. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are clearing the houses of Congress of the moderate Democrats. Lieberman will be stripped of his Chairman position on Homeland Security. Robert Byrd, an old Bluedog democrat stepped down today. Coincidence. Yeah, he wants to spend more time with his dog Billy. Votes are disappearing for Sen. Coleman in Minnesota while the recount is being overseen by an ACORN representative.
If the Messiah sides with other nations' during this Bretton Woods II meeting, and the United States cedes more influence in the World, or even leans towards creating a one world currency as many nations are wanting to do, there will be a total collapse of the US dollar, creating hyperinflation in a very short period. I don't expect him to tip his hand before he enters office, though many folks believe he is on the thrown currently, but we are going to be headed towards this and with a socialist led congress, emergency laws can be passed when hyperinflation kicks in "in order to preserve you way of life" When the dollar tanks, there will be a series of Executive Orders passed, and as I referenced before, the democrats were already looking at taking over 401k's prior to the election. Nationalization of banks underway. Nationalization of the auto industry underway. The government is printing money right and left with no regard for inflation, which will be biting the country in the ass within 18 months. Another stimulus on the way from the mouth of Pelosi
Folks need to read their history, I know they don't teach it in schools anymore, but perhaps a Google search on the Weimar Republic would be in order. I, as well as many of you, hopefully, supported McCain to maintain the system of checks and balances which were put in place by our Founding Fathers. 93% of single moms and 73 percent of those under 28 voted for The Messiah. During the campaign if I spoke out against The Messiah, I was considered a racist, but my great grandfather won the Congressional Medal of Honor twice while fighting for the Union Army. This Nation had better hunker down and get ready some of the most radical policies, and some of the most radical legislation that we have ever faced in our lifetimes. This Congress and The Messiah will come before the American public and tell you that everything they are going to do is for your benefit. Redistribution of wealth, mandatory service to the Nation, all in the name of the current economic crisis, forgo the Constitution in these critical times, we all need to work together for the good of the Nation. It is important that you do the research, that you spread the word, and that you understand American history. The vast majority of the American public have no idea what is getting ready to happen in the next few months. Democracy is not a spectator sport.