Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pinocchio and the Hobbit.

During today's fair and balanced Meet the Press, America got to watch an unabashed lovefest between Tom Brokaw and the "roundtable". The bottom photo is John Meacham, editor of the "unbiased" Newsweek magazine. I wished there had been a better side shot of Mr. Meacham. Very concerned look here in this photo. But a side view of this left leaning freak, would show a nose so large that Pinocchio would be jealous.
The top photo is of the "esteemed" leftwing Presidential historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin. She never met a democrat she didn't embrace or write about. The Messiah now is a cross between FDR and LBJ in her mind prior to getting into office. The Messiah is, BHO? Ooops, cant mention his middle name. What has happened to Doris? Her physical appearance looks like she has morphed into a hobbit-like character from a Harry Potter novel. Good god Doris, you are almost 1 year older than my mother, you were born January 4th, 1943, and you look like hell. Your eyes are sunken, hairline receding, and your vernacular on Sunday was as pro Socialist as it ever was. Don't pass your FDR bullshit off on me sister. 1930-1945, you'll be hard pressed to revise history in your favor when it comes to me . There are a few of us out here who understand American history. Doris, before you want to wrap up this Nation in a full government blanket to protect us peons from ourselves, you couldn't hold a candle to my mother. My mother could have been the CEO of any auto corporation, running it with plain and simple common sense. Someone who understands fiscal responsibility. And someone who has a proven track record of creating a business and knows every aspect of doing so.
I think we should have a one on one faceoff. Doris Goodwin, who has done nothing, who has created no jobs, versus, my mother. (she'll be happy to see this in the morning) who created jobs and managed a very successful business.
Obama is going to mandate "volunteer" service for the Nation. Come on down to FGCU Doris and have a debate. My mother will kick your ass hobbit. And when my mother is done schooling you, I'll jump in to talk about those pesky FDR years.