Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thank you so much America

I had faith in you. I held on to the belief that you would embrace the principals which the Founding Fathers of this Nation held so dear. I believed that you would come to the realization that the Constitution was one of the greatest documents ever written and not a document filled with negative rights. I figured that you would not embrace a candidate who believes and surrounds himself with people who support Marxist government principles. I was wrong.

I was wrong to underestimate the disastrous effects of our school systems ability to teach history. I was wrong to underestimate the number of Americans so willing to make themselves victims. I was wrong to underestimate the number of you willing and wanting to suck up to and feed off of the government tit, and if you can take money away from other people in order to do so, the better you feel.

Well America, you got your candidate of change. Just be careful what you wish for. This Nation will see the largest amount of legislation come out of this Congress you've ever seen in the first 100 days. Anyone in a business which involves a natural resource is under attack, free speech and the fairness doctrine will be passed before March, massive new gun laws if not an outright ban on all guns, if you own a small business, prepare for unionization, if you have a 401K get ready for the government to come and take it. Energy exploration? Pllllllllease. Tax cuts? HA! EVERYONE WILL pay higher taxes. I can just see it in February, where Obama comes to the US people and says how hard he's worked but he just has to raise taxes for the good of the Nation. As Woodrow Wilson did during his term, there will most likely be a hotline number for people to call and report on friends and neighbors who speak out about the Motherland to the Justice Department.

The government has destroyed the value of my business to the point where I can't give my boat away after investing over 100,000.00 in my boat. Now this leftwing government with their friends in the eco-terrorist movement will destroy every shred of commercial fishing left nationwide. Thank you all so much. Taxes will increase and as the economy deteriorates, the government will take more and more of your rights in the name of protecting you. As the Nation slumps further in the second year of the Obama presidency, there will be a call to hold a Constitutional Convention to revisit and adress the Bill of Rights to reshape it in how The Messiah, Pelosi and Reid wish it to look.

This is a dark period for America my friends. This is going to be a very difficult 4 years. Our lives in this Nation are going to change greatly. I really fear some of the repercussions of this election.
The last time a president raised taxes in a similar economic situation, Herbert Hoover sent us into the Great Depression. This country is reeling, and Obama's election will send more businesses overseas, and in my opinion will stifle any small business creation for a great period of time.

So there is no incentive in the next 4 years to make as much money as you can. National Marine Fisheries Service has squashed fishermen in the coming year, so I suppose we should simply set up there for our feeding at the government tit. Karen and I aren't going to college. No food stamps. We do qualify for AFDC, but I thought that government acronym stood for adults feeding dependent cats. We miss out there too.

I've had enough, and I'm about to shut down the blog this week because no one will be able to speak out against the Messiah after the anointing tonight without fearing retribution. While writing this last blog report tonight, I just saw a report that Jack Murtha has won re-election in Pennsylvania. Are you fucking kidding me? He called his constituents racists and rednecks. This asshole got re-elected? America has become a Nation of people wanting handouts instead of becoming successful on their own.

And isn't it interesting that prior to the election the democrats changed the ex-patriot laws, stating everyone has to pay 50% taxes if they wish to flee the oppressive government. Suck up, suck up, suck up to the government tit. So interesting that the black voters voted for someone who they thought was freeing them from oppression, but who is actually enslaving them once again. When you depend on the government for your independence, you are not free. God bless American small business owners.

How many riots are going to seen tonight? Philly fans rioted after the Phillies won the world series. God save this Nation. God bless this Nation. Transfer your wealth internationally, buy guns before the inauguration, and prepare yourself for the worst economic times you've ever seen.

God Bless Acorn for mobilizing the vote in Ohio. And God Bless the Messiah for showing me my misdirection in my ways, in trying to create a small business, when all this time I should have been taking care of everyone else who didn't work. Pardon me.

I can't stand it any more, the Messiah has won. Get ready America, suck up to the government tit, single moms, illegals, those of color who felt oppressed in South Florida.

I just cant wait to see the new America with the Messiah in control. It's going to be sunshine and lollipops for everyone. The Today show Wednesday morning will be an orgy of reporters gushing about how Obama will cure all the problems in our Nation. It is going to suck having to listen to the lapdog media tell us how the Messiah will cure all of our problems.