Wednesday, February 4, 2009

500,000,000 Amercians out of work each month

My favorite Speaker of House, (pictured above) Ms Nancy Pelosi today made a statement to a room full of the National press corps that the Obama stimulus package must be passed as soon as possible because 500 million Americans are losing their job each month. Wow, I finally understand that this economic situation IS worse than the Great Depression. 11,000 people a second are losing their job. If this stimulus package is stalled in the Senate by those evil Republicans for two months, 1 Trillion Americans will lose their jobs. Let me get this straight, more than 3 times the number of the actual American population (300 million) will lose their job by the end of next month. Ms. Pelosi, go get a Botox upgrade and help stimulate the economy, the free market works, unless of course free Botox is in your stimulus package.