Friday, February 6, 2009

over 1,000,000,000,000.00 dollars

That's a trillion dollars folks, and that was what your Congress is getting ready to add in spending with the new pork bill agreed to tonight in Congress, as reported by major media outlets.

How much exactly is 1 trillion?

You could stack 1,000.00 bills one on top of another and that stack will stretch nearly 70 miles.

You could have spent 1 million dollars a day since the birth of Christ and you'd still have 70 more years to go before running out of money.

Western Civilization hasn't been around for 1 trillion seconds. 1 million seconds equals 12 days. 1 billion seconds equals 31 years and 1 trillion seconds equals 31,688 YEARS.

Godspeed to those of you who have children. I'm glad I don't have any. It's immoral to leave children with this coming tax burden.