Wednesday, February 4, 2009

8 is not enough, how about 14.

Last week, the National media broke the story of a woman In California who gave birth to octuplets. The doctors at the press conference spoke of how they were anticipating a delivery of septuplets and were surprised when there was another child delivered. Oh, it was a great feel good story, until the rest of the story unfolded over the past few days.

The unnamed mother, which has hired a PR firm since delivery, has not granted any interviews and her name hasn't been released. Over the course of the last few days, stories about how this woman has 6 other children, her parents bought her a house after the 6 children were born, the parents have filed bankruptcy and are living with the 6 year unemployed former psychiatric technician. The father has said publicly that he is returning to Iraq to go to work and her mother said she is moving out of the house once her daughter returns home with the octuplets.

I was immediately interested in this story the morning the story of delivery of the octuplets broke and the mother's name wasn't released. My septic nerve was inflamed in a mere few moments after listening to the story. In this day and age, with an event such as this monumental delivery will almost always be exploited for monetary gain. I must just be a jaded person who hasn't embraced the creation of life, there can't possibly be any ulterior motive, no money making issue, just a simple woman wanting to give birth.

Well well well, my septic nerve was correct last week. It didn't take long for the "unnamed mother" to hire a PR firm, and go on the hunt for the big bucks. This morning, the unnamed mother, trotted out a publicist on the Today show, stating that the mother was exploring all offers to find the best avenue to get her message out to explain her story. In other words, who is going to pay us the most money!!!!! Come one, come all, bring baskets of money. It is reported that this unnamed woman wants 2 million dollars to tell her story. She wants a book deal and wants to be hired my a major network morning show as a child consultant. In the current American Idol, Next Top Model, Dancing with the Stars climate, she'll most likely get it.

She'll most likely also get a reality tv show deal. I have come up with a few reality tv show ideas,

I dated a Turkey Baster-
Market this to the We/Oxygen lesbian network. She can detail how to get lots of children and never have a man involved.

42 mouths a day on the taxpayers dime-
This show will appeal to all those struggling mothers out there with 14 children on how to apply for federal, state and local aid to help pay for all the children on the backs of the greedy Republicans who don't pay anything in taxes. This will air on the Oxygen Network as well.

The Most Fecund Female in America-
This show could air on a few different networks. I could see the unnamed mother as the host of a 10 week show. Potential fecundity filled women would have to compete in a 10 week competition which involves a combination of American Idol and Miss America, however they would have to be unemployed and no boyfriend/husband.

And finally, I think the unnamed female should direct her publicist to get her a few endorsements. This unemployed, unnamed 33 year old woman who is reported to love children, should get an endorsement deal. Really, why shouldn't she get 100,000.00 for an Octuplet Sperm Bank Seal of Approval? After all, why should we judge her and her motives? We are in a new era America. Change you can believe in. While we are changing, hold on to your damn wallet while everyone else benefits for irresponsible behavior.