Friday, February 6, 2009

Cher speaks, who cares

Cher: Republican Rule Almost ‘Killed Me’Friday, February 06, 2009By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter
( - Grammy award-winning singer and Academy award-winning actress Cher told that living under Republican rule almost “killed" her, and she does not understand why anyone would want to be a Republican. She also said that President Barack Obama’s “intelligence” and “spirit” are “so great” he will be able to do “more than anyone could possibly do.”

Oh Cher, universal healthcare won't cover facelifts. All those tweaks and turns on her scalp has definitely affected her brain. She makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

And I scribe this evening, breaking news is that the Senate has reached a tentative deal on the nearly 1 trillion dollar pork spending bill. Goody goody. The march towards Socialism continues. I am disgusted that the people's money is going to be spent on all the social spending programs liberal lawmakers couldn't get through on their own merits. Get ready America, you won't recognize our nation within 2 years. My family did not serve this Nation for this shit.