Thursday, February 5, 2009

FLASH! Emergency post! Idol is rigged.

Well, it was brought to my attention this afternoon, that while I've been keeping a firm grip on the pulse of the Nation to the events occurring which shake me to the core, I'm following our Speaker of the House telling us that 500 million people a month are losing their jobs and our President saying if we don't pass the Porkulus, errr Stimulus package quickly, this Nation will never recover, a travesty has happened. A decision was made which shakes the Universe.

Deep in research this afternoon, I received a phone call telling me that Katrina "bikini girl" Darrel had been voted off American Idol last night. How could this be? She was just voted to move on the night before. Low and behold, after a few mouse clicks, the worst was confirmed. This is not good. And I say this from a standpoint of only wanting Fox to have good ratings, which means they can generate advertising revenue, and that helps the economy. I'm all about the trickledown economics.

Hurricane Katrina Darrel, you might have caught her audition. She had the voice of a thousand angels singing on high, other than that, she wasn't very notable. However, for some reason, she really rubbed the 2 female judges the wrong way. Who really cares what Paula thinks, by the final weeks of the show, she'll show up so out of it, she'll vote for anything or anyone. Hell, she has even slept with contestants in previous years. The new judge, Kara DioGuardi, (aka Devil Spawn) is simply screwing everything up. Kara wanted to become a singing star but has become a producer instead. Hey Kara, those who cannot do, teach. You have just ruined my entire season of Idol. I was so looking forward to the catfights down the stretch run in the final weeks. The snarky comments between the two of you, and perhaps even bikini girl jumping over the judges table with some hair pulling around late March. Great TV. That would be great for ratings. Remember, I'm all about stimulating the economy without government intervention.

This Kara "Italian Stallion" DioGuardi is really screwing up the show so far and I don't think at this point I can follow it to conclusion. My football season ended last Sunday around 10pm and my Idol season ended last night. 220 days until football starts anew.

And Seacrest, when Katrina went to give you a kiss on camera and you pulled away, are you pitching or catching in your relationship? Former Idol contestant Clay Aiken came out of the closet, just a suggestion...............